ABC 'The Music Show', 16 March 2013 - interview and live recording of Tsiveles Bulgar, Santipap Hora, Gaia Ratchenitsa. Repeated in December summer programming.
ABC 'The Rhythm Divine' (audio) - live recording of two specially commissioned pesach (passover) medleys
ABC Classic FM: Midday with Margaret Throsby, featuring Ilana Cravitz, 17 March 2013 - interview including broacast of CD's Butterfield Green, N16 - Behusher Khosidl
ABC The Live Set - recorded LKQ's performance at Melbourne Recital Centre on 7 March 2013 for broadcast. Listen
Local ABC including: 702-ABC's Morning Show with Linda Mottram; ABC Rural's Bush Telegraph; ABC Perth; ABC Southwest Drivetime; ABC Melbourne; PBS-FM Melbourne Global Village; ABC Hobart; ABC Illawarra; Triple J; ABC Newcastle (watch Moses Medley)
3MBS Fine Music in Sydney recorded a private LKQ concert before an invited audience at Sydney Conservatorium, and the band also did studio sessions for 2MBS Fine Music.
The Australian - 'London Klezmer Quartet Carries on Cultural Tradition', 1 March 2013
Australian Jewish News - 'Klezmer with a London Touch' (article), 7 March 2013
Australian Jewish News - 'Klezmer Sounds at Festival' (review), 22 March 2013
LKQ also appeared in: The Canberra Times, The Melbourne Age, The West Australian and other local papers.
ABC 'The Rhythm Divine' - Pesakh medleys:
Doyne - Go Down Moses (Let My People Go) - Moyshe Emes | Ma Nishtanah - Chad Gad Ya |
Feedback from LKQ concerts and workshops in Australia, 2013
"Nobody plays it quite like the London Klezmer Quartet" Geoff Wood, The Rhythm Divine, ABC Radio National
"What a fantastic concert. I can see why everyone loves this group." Sue Russell, Nexus Arts
"So so so good" Frank Italiano, Kulcha, Fremantle
“Great concert and humour” Marion Tritsch, Sydney
"Thank you for busking with us - a real privilege." The Con Artists
"Really enjoyed all your gigs at the NFF - and the dance workshop". Kim Salisbury
“We loved your music and you. You bring such joy, stay well and safe travelling. We play your CD heaps. I am teaching the children the dance you taught us at the workshop.” Patricia Wintergreene
"Thanks for a fabulous workshop." Paul Alexander (bass guitar)
"Thankfully we are keeping the diversity of our musical heritage alive, and wonderful musicians like the LKQ are great ambassadors." Mickey Lisieux
"Thanks so much for a wonderful concert. I love how your repertoire includes original compositions and old tunes, and a variety of styles and influences. It's also nice to see the co-operative spirit in which each group member takes a turn at speaking and playing solos." Marsha Emerman
"Thank you for the Klezmer workshop at the Sydney Conservatorium, it was a wonderful experience." Ester Sarkadi-Clarke
“You are all so totally incredible, friendly, happy and talented! Massive thankyou for being a part of a great festival - for making it the festival that it was!" Phaedra Watts, Nannup Music Festival
"We found your workshops inspirational"
Richard Hodge & Maree McGrath, Clefs ‘n’ Keys Music, Australia